zTree mysql json
发布时间:2021-01-16 10:37:16 所属栏目:编程 来源:网络整理
导读:今天PHP站长网 52php.cn把收集自互联网的代码分享给大家,仅供参考。 select c.id as id,c.pId as pId,c.name as name,c.checked as checked,c.type as type from(select a.funtypeid id,0 pId,a.name name,IF((select CO
以下代码由PHP站长网 52php.cn收集自互联网 现在PHP站长网小编把它分享给大家,仅供参考 select c.id as id,c.pId as pId,c.name as name,c.checked as checked,c.type as type from( select a.funtypeid id,0 pId,a.name name,IF((select COUNT(*) from t_role_function f,t_fun_item g where f.funid = g.funid and g.funtypeid = a.funtypeid AND f.roleid = 'systemuser')>0,'true','false') as checked,'parent' type from t_fun_type a union all select b.funid id,b.funtypeid pId,b.funname name,IF((select COUNT(*) from t_role_function e where e.funid = b.funid AND e.roleid = 'systemuser')>0,'childern' type from t_fun_item b ) c 以上内容由PHP站长网【52php.cn】收集整理供大家参考研究 如果以上内容对您有帮助,欢迎收藏、点赞、推荐、分享。 (编辑:财气旺网 - 海宁网) 【声明】本站内容均来自网络,其相关言论仅代表作者个人观点,不代表本站立场。若无意侵犯到您的权利,请及时与联系站长删除相关内容! |